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Optimizing Expensive Computations

While the cost of maintaining a cache is usually higher than the cost the computation, this is not always true.

For example, imagine that you wrote a function that takes a reactive markdown string and some reactive parameters and renders the markdown.

import {
type Reactive,
} from "@starbeam/universal";
import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it";
export function renderMarkdown(
text: Reactive<string>,
options: { linkify: Reactive<boolean> },
) {
return MarkdownIt({
linkify: options.linkify.current,
import {
type Reactive,
} from "@starbeam/universal";
import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it";
export function renderMarkdown(
text: Reactive<string>,
options: { linkify: Reactive<boolean> },
) {
return MarkdownIt({
linkify: options.linkify.current,
import { Formula } from "@starbeam/universal";
import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it";
export function renderMarkdown(text, options) {
return MarkdownIt({
linkify: options.linkify.current,
import { Formula } from "@starbeam/universal";
import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it";
export function renderMarkdown(text, options) {
return MarkdownIt({
linkify: options.linkify.current,

If you then render the markdown using a Starbeam renderer, the output will be updated every time the reactive text or reactive linkify changes.

This is great, but it might also run when the input didn't change, or multiple times in response to input changes.

Again, most computations are so cheap that it would actually be more expensive to attempt to cache them. But that's not true here.

You can use to Formula API to make sure that the function only runs once, and only when the reactive values it used in its computation change.

function renderMarkdown(
text: Reactive<string>,
options: { linkify: Reactive<boolean> },
) {
return Formula(() =>
linkify: options.linkify.current,
function renderMarkdown(
text: Reactive<string>,
options: { linkify: Reactive<boolean> },
) {
return Formula(() =>
linkify: options.linkify.current,
function renderMarkdown(text, options) {
return Formula(() =>
linkify: options.linkify.current,
function renderMarkdown(text, options) {
return Formula(() =>
linkify: options.linkify.current,

If you render the result of the renderMarkdown function with a Starbeam renderer, the output will still update whenever the reactive text or reactive linkify change, but the formula will only run once in response to changes, no matter how many times it's called.

Released under the MIT license